Rethinking spaces by Giulia Torelli – lesson 1: The wardrobe

Rethinking spaces by Giulia Torelli – lesson 1: The wardrobe
5 video tutorials by Giulia Torelli - aka Rockandfiocc - influencer and "closet organizer" on decluttering and reorganizing: how to optimize your available spaces, choosing the best furniture for your specific requirements and rooms in your home. Each tutorial covers a specific item of bedroom and living room furniture and how to make the best use of it, starting with its functional features.

Lesson 1 | The wardrobe
In this first lesson, Giulia Torelli shares with us a few valuable tips and pointers on how to keep your wardrobe perfectly tidy and functional.



One idea for sorting clothes is to order them by weight. Put the heavier ones on the left and work your way through to the lightest.

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